The Health Influencer Council is composed of health experts who hold significant influence in online social networks.

We are trusted health experts.


We collaborate with social media and technology companies to ensure health communication programs are impactful and health experts have the tools they need to engage with the public. 



We are volunteers.

We use our expertise and influence to help improve the online environment so that reliable health information is easy to locate, understand, and act upon.

Our mission

To represent the needs of health experts active on social media platforms.

Our vision

To ensure health experts have the tools, programs, and relationships necessary in order to accurately inform, educate, and motivate the public on all major social media and technology platforms.

The Health Influencer Council consists of many of the world’s largest health influencers working together to improve public health.


Featured Influencers

Featured influencers

  • Ben Rein

    Ben Rein

    TikTok @dr.brein

    Instagram @doctor.brein

    Twitter @dr_brein

  • Jess A.

    Jess A.

    TikTok: jesss2019

    Instagram: jes_ss2019

    Twitter: jesss2019

  • Marjorie Driese

    Marjorie Driese

    Instagram @Msdrizzle11

  • Pax Hardy

    Pax Hardy

    TikTok: @snackpax.epi

    Instagram: snackpax.epi

    Twitter: @SnackpaxEpi


Contact us

Learn more about our work.